Meena: New Google’s Chatbot with Human-Like Conversational Skills

Meena: New Google’s Chatbot with Human-Like Conversational Skills

?Google reports that its new chatbot Meena can keep conversations as similar to human as possible compared to many existing bots.
For this project, a new metric of AI’s conversational abilities was created and named «Sensibleness and Specificity Average»(SSA). It was used to capture important attributes of natural conversations in the study about which robot is closest to the so-called “humanity” in a conversation.
Thousands of conversations from various chat bots were collected, including Mitsuku, Cleverbot and XiaoIce. Compared to 86% gained by people on the SSA, Meena showed an incredible result as a robot – 79%.
Meena’s ability of creating context for conversation is one of the bot’s most amazing features, which probably helped to achieve such a high result. These startling facts suggest that due to Meena, gaps between communicative capabilities of humans and robots can be narrowed.?

image credit: 3DWorld