About us | Creative Digital Agency

About us

We Are From

25 independent towns build the independent state - Ukraine
Ukrainians are a free nation!

Hello, we are from Ukraine!

Friends, this place until February 24 was a
regular page about us, with a completely normal long smart list of our professional skills and talents.
Yes, since 2008 we have been a talented web design and advertising agency from Vinnytsya.

But. 24.02 changed everything.
Our world has been divided without our interception into BEFORE and AFTER.
Our personal and professional space will never be the same again.
At first we were in despair and did not know what to do, then little by little we managed to unite and get in touch.

We work remotely, not in the office, but we work!
Because our professional skills, our more than 10 years of experience, have not disappeared.

And we are convinced that our work also creates the rearward of our state, we can support our country economically by continuing to pay taxes, and we help our armed forces by transferring part of our income to special funds.

We know – together we are a force!
We are sure that Ukraine will never be defeated!

We believe – in the Armed Forces and our Victory!