How bizarre does a blanket for social distance look like?

As some quarantine restrictions begin to wane in some countries, let’s consider what the next stage of a “new normal” life might be, especially in public places. Social distance, protective masks, something, no doubt, will remain a part of our lives for a while. But thanks to the work of a London architectural studio, you will soon be able to enjoy a picnic with friends.
Paul Cocksedge Studio shared a quilt design with an open center, optimistically called Here Comes the Sun. It consists of four small equidistant circles connected by a large ring – leaving a massive hole in the middle. Each corner of the blanket is designed to accommodate one person, while the large ring keeps everyone at the required distance of 2 m from each other. You may have to shout when talking, but it’s better than nothing.
Perhaps the best thing about the design is that you can make it yourself using a few items – scissors, a sewing machine and 9 square meters of fabric.
A few months ago, we would have laughed at the design of this blanket, considered it bizarre. Yes, the blanket may look bizarre, but then we must remember – these are bizarre times. This blanket will come in handy when you allow picnics in parks.
via paulcocksedgestudio