Facebook New Guide to Effective Live-Stream Events

With the words:
“Today, more companies are adopting Live video and solutions that empower them to overcome current internal communication gaps…”
Facebook has published a new guide on how to use live video to run more effective company events. The specific focus was made on the live video functionality within Facebook Workplace, and how its professional platform tools can provide more options for improving remote working processes.
There are 6 main elements in the guide:

So, clearly the focus is on Workplace, and the video tools available within the app.
But even so, the specific tips here are relevant to video connection and events more broadly,
and could help provide guidance in your process, even if you’re not on the Workplace platform.
In the Guide Facebook deeply overviews each element, including tips and notes on how to maximize live video in your connection process.
The basic gist of the tips is universal and applies to any live-stream event – and while most of the notes are likely as you would expect, there are some worthy reminders that could help in your planning, and ensure you tick all the boxes for your live-streams.
If you’re looking at running a live-stream for your business it is worthy to look through the guide to ensure yourself in covering your bases.
You can download Facebook’s ‘6 Steps to Use Live Video for Effective Company Events’ guide here.