Adobe Has Created a Test to Determine Creativity.

Adobe Has Created a Test to Determine Creativity.

Adobe, in collaboration with Anyways and Carol Gregoire, recently developed an interesting online test to help creative individuals identify their creative type.
If you have ever worked as part of a creative team, then you know that there are many different types of design thinking. You can help to reveal your creative style with the help of a fun quiz that will shed light on your inner world.
To pass the test you need to answer 15 simple questions about yourself.
The Creative Types test is based on well-known personality tests: the Myers-Briggs typology, the Eneagram, and other, less popular studies.
The test identifies 8 types of creativity: “Artist”, “Thinker”, “Adventurer”, “Creator”, “Manufacturer”, “Dreamer”, “Innovator” and “Seer”. For each type of creativity there is a description of its psychological characteristics, creative forces, untapped potential, as well as the type of creativity.



Via artslooker