Brilliant phantasmagorical worlds of Maria Primachenko

?On January 12, 111 years ago, in the village of Bolotnya, Kyyv region, the genious Ukrainian artist Maria Primachenko was born.
?She created her own unique style of painting, which absorbed all the styles of the twentieth century (primitivism, impressionism, neo-romanticism, expressionism) and was able to go beyond the boundaries of any of the styles.

?Throughout her 89-year life, she has created more than 800 paintings, that are now exhibited in the best museums of the world.

?You can read a lot about her life hardships and the invincible strength of character on the Internet, but we attempted to convey at least a drop of her incredible worldview through some fragments of conversations with a brilliant artist.
?Ever since childhood, Maria Primachenko for sure believed in her own mythology, which was very different from biblical and common to us.
Just listen to some of her postulates:
?– First there were birds in the sky and flowers on the earth. Then the beasts came and ate everyone. And we shall be eaten too…

?– From the very beginning, everyone flew, even trees and flowers, only then beasts began to fly. Birds and flowers, like the embroidered shirts, were created for joy. And the beasts – to be afraid of. As no one will fear anyone – the life will end …
?– Do not forget people: beasts will eat everyone.
– Everyone?
– No, there will only be very kind people left, whom the beasts have tamed. And the world will come to that: only good people and beasts will live. Not our people …

?– A billion years have passed, but no such monkey appeared.
– As the cobra will get tired, it will reach the sky for sure, and to reach the sun, you’ll need five cobras (these are the names of some paintings).
?One of the surprised acquaintances once asked the artist:
– Why don’t you draw people?
– Why? – the artist asked indignantly, – theу are the people!
– Where are the people there, there are only animals?
– People are always there: for example, me…

?– Why don’t you paint real flowers?
– What for? You’ll see them anyway.
– Have you tried to paint from life?
– I draw flowers from life, but every time they just bloom differently…